JPX - Java Prolog eXtension

JPX is free software, licensed under the LGPL.


  • JPX is a general purpose interface between the Java virtual machine and various Prolog implementations (currently only SWI-Prolog).
  • JPX is portable and works on Windows and various Unices.
  • JPX provides the means to use different Prolog backends without changing Java application code. Currently there is only support for SWI-Prolog, but hopefully there will be support for other engines such as a pure Java engine and SICStus Prolog.
  • JPX is a high level interface to Prolog; a Java class hierarchy comprising interfaces that models the basic concepts of Prolog such as terms and atoms.
  • A more high level interface is included for easily integrating JPX in complex graphical multi-threaded applications.
  • JPX provides only for using Prolog engines in the same process as the JVM.




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